Opinii despre candidați la președinție

Am luat fiecare candidat în ordinea inversă a semnăturilor, și am săpat să văd cum și-a folosit puterea, dacă a avut-o vreodată.

De ce ordinea inversă? Pentru că avem două tururi, și vă recomand să votați cu candidatul cel mai potrivit vouă, pentru a profita la maxim de vot, și …

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Analiză partide - partea 3

Am refăcut analiza de la partea a 2-a a acestei analize, și am dus-o mai departe.

Metoda calculării votului normalizat (comparabil între partide) era cam ciudată (abținerile erau considerate diferite de lipsa unui vot sau de absențe). Ca urmare, apăreau diferențe artificiale irelevante dintre partide.

Am decis să iau ca …

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Analiză partide - partea 1

Am încercat să îmi dau seama eu cu cine votez... hâc!

Nu știu de unde să încep să caut date cât de cât obiective despre candidații la președinție. Dacă aveți sugestii, vă rog să lăsați un mesaj!

În lipsa acestora, am decis să analizez partidele cu care aceștia sunt afiliați …

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Review of Cryptocurrencies

Hello again, dear reader!

As I promised you last post, I have reviewed some cryptocurrencies, and I will publish my fact-based heavily-biased opinions on them. Take this post with a grain of salt, and mind that investment (or speculation) is risky. However, I hope you find it useful.


Bitcoin …

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Intro to Cryptocurrencies

A friend of mine recently asked me about cryptocurrencies. I gave him the short story, but I'll post the long story here as well, for anyone interested.

What's the point?

In its most basic form, a cryptocurrency is a list of balances in accounts. Only people that have the password …

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Caring for your hardware

Thermal shutdown

I started playing some games on my Debian laptop. After some time of intense fan blowing, the laptop shut down. I figured this was likely a thermal shutdown - the device turning itself off to protect itself.

I started monitoring the temperature - and it was getting to 100ºC at …

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Updated 2019-11-18.

The GDPR is legally convenient, in case you are a private person, and want the illusion of control over data gathered from you.

However, when considering its actual impact, and looking at it from different perspectives, it can appear strange, and perhaps even scary.

Broad definitions

I had …

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Don't buy Apple products.

Apple denies any possibility of data recovery after your device is not bootable. This is plainly false.

On top of that, they ban people who know how to recover your data from their forums. Jessa Jones was banned from the Apple forum for offering support to people. It's almost as …

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